7 Foods You Should Be Banishing From Your Kitchen

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Imagine there was the chance to peek into the kitchens of the world’s best nutritionists and dietitians—the people who know what to eat for a fitter body and a longer life. We would not be surprised by what we see: lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, fish, oil—nothing surprising there. However, what might surprise us is what we will not see. The familiar “healthy” foods probably populate your panty. However, those in the know have long expelled them from their own houses. Let us dive into the seven foods we should eliminate from the kitchen now.

Rice Cakes

Rice cakes are an old-school diet staple. However, simple carbohydrates rank notoriously high on the glycaemic index. The glycaemic index is a measure of how quickly blood rises in response to food. High GI foods provide a rush of energy but can leave you hungry within a couple of hours. It is time to toss this snack to avoid overeating and weight gain.

Soy Milk

It is best to avoid soy milk altogether. Yes, horror stories are linking the overconsumption of soy products to estrogen-like effects. Such as the development of enlarged breasts in otherwise healthy males – are exceptions. However, the fact is that soy mimics estrogen and activates estrogen receptors in the body. Is the risk worth it? Like almond or oat milk, many other milk substitutes do not carry the same potential side effects.


One of the leading health food imposters! Did you know that one tiny cup of granola has nearly 600 calories, 30 grams of fat and 24 grams of sugar? That is the equivalent of starting the morning with two slices of cheesecake. If you want a crunch cereal, go for a healthier alternative like Special K.

Deli Meat

The link between meat and chronic disease is pretty tenuous. The connection between salt-sugar and chemical-laden processed meats and chronic disease risk is solid and consistent. If you eat meat, it should be pure.

Tomato Sauce

Did you know that two measly tablespoons have up to 8 grams of sugar and 40 calories? Most of these calories come from high fructose corn syrup, which is proven to increase appetite. So this then leads to health problems such as obesity and diabetes.

Canned Vegetables

Some vegetables stored in cans are laced with BPA, an industrial chemical used in various foods and beverage containers. It is thought to pose some health risks in foetuses, infants, and young children’s brain development. It is suggested to go with fresh or frozen vegetables. These are healthier and free of salt and preservatives, too.

White Bread

White bread is bleached and stripped of its bran and germ, the elements of the grain that contain beneficial nutrients. Furthermore, for this reason, white bread is not filling. It also has almost no nutritional value and is converted into sugar once you eat it. Like table sugar, it then spikes insulin levels, which promotes fat storage.

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