We understand your weight-loss journey with the Thinco products can be a challenging one as you are now in a position where you need to smash down your old habits and create brand new healthy habits.
Well the Thinco team wants you to achieve your weight loss goals and get your sexy back! Therefore we have come up with some tips and tricks to help you stay motivated during your weight loss journey.
Determine Why You Want to Lose Weight
We want you to sit down and think about all of the reason why you want to lose weight, you then need to write them down and place them in a location you will see them daily or set them as pop-up reminders in your phone. By doing this you will stay committed and motivated to reach your weight loss goals.
Quiz Yourself
Answer the following questions any time you begin to doubt the process:
If I stop the program, how will I feel in 6 months time?
If I stop the program, what will my health be like?
If I stop the program, will I feel confident during summer?
By answering these questions in times of doubt you will boost your motivation and remind yourself why you started the Thinco program in the first place.
Stay Away from Super-Skinny Models
If you are currently following any pages that constantly post images of super-skinny models, we want you to un-follow them immediately. Now there is nothing wrong with these super-skinny models, they are beautiful in their own skin just like you are. However scientists in the Netherlands divided women wanting to lose weight into two groups. One group was given a food diary with super-skinny models on the cover and inside on the pages and the other group was given a neutral food diary. The neutral diary group lost weight and the supermodel diary group actually gained weight.
Researches say that the images of super-skinny models disheartened the women and created an unrealistic perception of beauty and self-standards. Therefore instead of comparing yourself to unrealistic fashion models, inspire yourself with healthy, body positive women.
Take Your Measurements
Sometimes the scales can give us inaccurate numbers because there are so many variations that come to play. Therefore make sure you take your measurements at the beginning of your journey and throughout as you will begin to watch the cm just melt away. By physically seeing the changes happening to your body you will maintain your motivation throughout the entire process.
Hang Up Your Motivation
If you have always wanted to flaunt that little black dress or that pair of skinny jeans or that tight body suit then we want you to go and buy your dream piece of clothing at the beginning of your program. You then need to hand this piece of clothing in your room where you can always see it. This will keep your motivation high throughout the entire process, as it will be an ongoing reminder on why you are doing this program.
Please remember the Thinco team is available for ongoing support and advice, we want to see you reach your weight loss goals so feel free to contact us whenever you are lacking in the motivation department.
Thinco xo