Delicious holiday food doesn’t have to be filled with calories.
You can enjoy the holidays and keep on track with your weightloss goals with these low fat food alternatives.
At the snack table
Skip the chips! Nibble on some plain popcorn, carrot, or celery instead.
If you can’t resist the dip, look for tzatziki made with yoghurt instead or French onion dip with sour cream. Tomato salsa is an even better option, especially if it is homemade and low in salt.
At Christmas lunch
- Steam your vegetables instead of covering them in oil and roasting them.
- Stick with white meat from the turkey and take the skin off before you add your serving to your plate.
- Avoid creamy salad dressings and go for lighter, oil based dressings
- Say no to gravy. Too hard? Look out for a low fat option and keep it minimal.
In your glass
Know your calories – a pint of beer has 200, while a shot of spirits and a mixer that is low in sugar is only around 60 calories.
When drinking, alternate between water and alcohol. This will help you to stay in control of your eating as well.
Don’t waste calories on overly sweetened soft drinks. Choose soda water with a twist of lime or even some slices of cucumber for a cool refreshing taste.
On the dessert menu
First and foremost, fill your bowl with fresh fruit. Leave a little bit of room for a few bites of Christmas pudding but try and pass on the extra cream or custard.
If you’re baking, consider using filo pastry instead of making a butter-filled shortcrust.
With the right planning it is easy to have a happy Christmas without blowing the diet as well as a healthy one without the drastic measures needed in the New Year! You can also check out some of Thinco’s ‘Keep it off’ products, a great way to compliment your lifestyle for the holiday season by cutting cravings.