Amino acids. We hear so much about them, yet most of us know so little. We know they are good for us and they help our bodies, and that’s about the extent of most people’s knowledge. Well, when we created our Thinco® Diet Capsules, we did the research for you — and that’s exactly why so many essential and nonessential amino acids play a key role in our formula.
So, Amino Acids: Why Should I Care?
We could get very technical here. Amino acids make up the proteins we need for our bodies to function properly. Proteins are so important that they’re often considered the building blocks of life. If the components that make up these blocks aren’t in good shape, how well do you think the building will hold up to daily life?
Finding a dietary supplement with the right combination of the right amino acids is especially important because our bodies can only produce 10 of the 20 essential amino acids. The other 10 have to come from a person’s diet. Researchers have found that even a deficiency of just one of the 10 essential amino acids can cause a breakdown of the body’s proteins as it tries to reap the benefits of that specific component. The supplements must be taken daily, too, since your body doesn’t keep any extra.
Thinco® Diet Capsules have eight essential and nonessential amino acids. Each is incredible in its own right. Some boost your immune system and aid your intestines. Others regulate blood sugar and thyroid hormone levels, relieve pain, improve kidney-related anemia, and can even treat nervous system disorders. However, each also plays a key role in targeting the stubborn adipose fat stores in your hips, stomach and thighs.
We’ve chosen so many muscle-building amino acids because the growth and maintenance of lean muscle is crucial for controlling your weight. Muscle not only takes up less space than the same amount of fat, but even adding one pound of muscle can help you burn an extra 50 calories a day while you rest. Ten pounds of muscle will help you burn 500 calories a day just by being in your body!
Enhancing the Acids: Other Key Ingredients
While the amino acids are crucial for controlling your weight, we’ve added in a few other supplements that work hand-in-hand with the amino acids to make the Thinco® Diet Capsules even more effective.
Working Together to Work For You
All of the Thinco® Diet Capsules are sourced from all-natural ingredients and mixed into a soft-gel capsule you’ll take once a day. The carefully researched and precise measurement ensures that the capsules will do three things. Reduce adipose fat stores, maintain your healthy fats and build and maintain lean muscle mass.