Weight Loss Plateau

What is Weight Loss Plateau?

Weight Loss Plateau happens when you haven’t been losing any more weight during Thinco Phase 2 or your weight has increased by more than 900g during Thinco Phase 3. In general, it happens when you stop losing weight, even if you are following the program correctly.

How to overcome the Weight Loss Plateau?

If you are currently doing Phase 2 of the Thinco program, you can introduce a correction day by doing an APPLE DAY. An Apple day is simply a day where you will only eat apples for 24 hours.

When should you do an Apple Day?

When your weight has stalled for 4 days even though you have followed the Phase 2 protocol 100%.

A stall means no movement in weight for 4 days. It should look like the example below:

  • Sun: 85.3
  • Mon: 84.9 loss 400gm
  • Tue: 84.9 no loss /stall
  • Wed: 84.9 no loss/ stall
  • Thur: 84.9 no loss /stall – you are now able to do an apple day on the Thur morning.

When NOT to do an Apple Day?

  1.  When you have broken protocol or cheated.
  2.  If your weight fluctuates, up or down, even by 100gm. This is not classed as a stall.

See example below:

  • Sun: 85.3
  • Mon: 84.9 loss 400gm
  • Tue: 84.9 no loss /stall
  • Wed: 85.0 gain 100gm
  • Thu: 84.9 loss 100gm
  • This scenario DOES NOT require an apple day.
  • Doing an unnecessary apple day can only make things slower in the future and backfire on your progress. So, please DO NOT do unnecessary apple days.

If your weight has been fluctuating for a few days, the best thing you can do is be patient, follow protocol 100%, and increase your water intake.

NOTE: An Apple Day will only be of benefit if weight has been stationary for at least four consecutive days and if the Phase 2 diet has been stuck to 100%.

An Apple Day starts at lunch and finishes before lunch the following day with up to six large apples of any one type being eaten whenever desired with just enough water to quench an uncomfortable thirst. An Apple Day should only be used during Phase 2 when a plateau is experienced.

*Keep taking the formula on these days. When done appropriately, the Apple Day will show a reduction in weight the following day due mostly to the elimination of fluid.

When should you do a correction day?

Correction days are used to overcome weight loss plateaus during the Thinco Program Phase 3.

A Steak, Fish OR Egg Day is used during Phase 3 if your weight has increased more than 900g from your finishing weight when you have stuck to the Phase 3 protocol 100%.

This is done on the SAME DAY your weight has increased by more than 900g.

Why a steak, fish or egg day?

It provides a large amount of slow-digesting protein that your body will need for cellular repair later at night, while you are sleeping.

  • You won’t go to bed hungry. The fact that slow-digesting proteins are good appetite suppressors is supported by a lot of research.
  • Meat proteins have a high thermic effect (around 30). This means that a significant amount of calories are burned just by digesting your steak, which is definitely a bonus! This process helps correct the metabolism of the body.
  • Have nothing to eat all day until dinner, and then have a large steak OR piece of fish (up to 350g) OR 3 egg yolks with up to 8 egg whites plus one tomato OR one apple.
  • Ensure you drink enough water.

How to do a correction day?

  • Eat no breakfast or lunch but drink plenty of water and tea.
  • Have an early dinner (5:30pm – 6pm) consisting of:
  • One large steak (cooked in a little allowed oil), with one raw tomato OR an apple OR
  • One large piece of fish (cooked in coconut oil), with one raw tomato OR an apple OR
  • 3 egg yolks and up to 8 egg whites, with one raw tomato OR an apple
  • Vegetarians – 200g Cottage Cheese with one raw tomato or apple.

The next day, you should be back to within 900g of your Target Weight.

IMPORTANT: Corrections days will not fix weight gained due to a cheat.

Download the complete Thinco® Program Guide:

Please note, this program needs to be used in conjunction with the Thinco® Weight Control Drops or Thinco® Weight Control Capsules. If you’ve already purchased and just want a handy version of the PDF guide, or happened to lose your printed program guide, we’ve shared it here for you to access!


Thinco® Approved Products Appendix

Thinco® Diet Meal Plan Example

Phase 2 Allowed Foods List

Download the 21 Day Standard Meal Plan

Download the 21 Day Active Meal Plan

Download Pounds & Inches PDF

Key Ingredients

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