- 1-2 chicken frames
- 2-3 litres fresh water
- 2-3 chopped onions
- half a celery bunch chopped
- 2 cloves garlic
- 1 teaspoon peppercorns
- Himalayan salt to your taste
- optional: half an apple (to sweeten slightly)
- optional: a splash of Bragg All Purpose Seasoning
- [bunch of parsley to be added after cooking above]
In a large pot, bring the ingredients to a simmer, cover but allow steam to escape and leave simmer for several hours until sufficiently reduced and flavoursome.
Roughly chop parsley and add to the stock 10-15 minutes before completion of the simmer (added too early and the flavour is overpowering).
Strain the stock off and discard the rest.
Put into the fridge so that any fat rises and solidifies on top so you can easily remove it – this is essential.
Freeze the stock in containers about the size of a cup.