Teaching kids to eat well can be a tricky task to handle. You don’t necessarily want to give them too many facts and bombard them with information but you also don’t want to wait too long where they could pick up unhealthy habits in the meantime. We all want our kids to make smart decisions for themselves, right? And it’s important that kids know that every food they put into their bodies affects them in some way. Therefore in this article we are going to explore the various ways to educate your kids about eating healthy.
Let’s Play The Game Yay or Nay
Next time you go to throw out your weekly grocery catalogue, don’t! Instead grab some glue, scissors, a large sheet of paper and make two columns. One labeled ‘yay’ and one labeled ‘nay’. Yay for healthy food choices and nay to the foods we can only eat sometimes. As a family cut out pictures from the catalogue and then glue them into their corresponding column. Ask your children, which category they think the food item belongs in and correct them where needed.
Where is Your Smartphone?
There are various free applications available to help you educate your kids about healthy eating. ‘Healthy food monsters’ involve furry friends in a quest to find all the healthy food, whilst avoiding all the unhealthy foods and snacks that want to kick you out of the game. ‘Healthy heroes’ appeal more to boys and are an adventure game that teaches kids about nutrition and promotes healthy behaviors. ‘Healthy eating with Diana’ involves puzzles, drawing, colouring and games to teach children the important concepts about healthy eating.
Do You Remember ‘The Hungry Caterpillar’?
There are numerous books you can find or borrow from your local library that distinguishes between foods that make us feel sick and foods that make us feel better. Try and incorporate some of these books into your child’s bedtime routine.
Let’s Get Messy
Depending on their age, get your children into the kitchen with you! Whip up a healthy recipe and have them fully involved in the process. Whilst you are all cooking together, inform your children on the ingredients you are using, why you are using them and why they are good for our bodies!
Lead By Example
Children have a tendency to copy their parents therefore making healthy eating a norm in your household. Yes there are times when you can all cuddle on the couch, watching movies and eating junk food however, the children should understand that these nights are treats and for the reason that those foods are healthy on a regular basis.
So there you have 5 easy ways to educate your kids about healthy eating. Let us know how you go!