Why is it that we forget to put ourselves first? Perhaps it’s because we were taught that it was selfish… that we should always be more loving and considerate towards others. However, we have forgotten one very important aspect of love. Love for others, shouldn’t exclude the love we have for ourselves. It should actually empower it. Investing in ourselves is just as important as investing in those around us, if not more. So, what now? Well, Thinco have 10 reasons you start caring for yourself and you, should give them a read.
It Teaches Others How to Treat You
It’s a known fact that most people learn best from examples. Therefore, if you put yourself last, others will too. Have you maybe noticed that you run around doing everything for everyone else and majority of the time, get nothing in return? Mainly because you don’t expect or ask for anything in return. Instead, treat yourself how you would want somebody else to treat you, or how you treat the ones you love around you. Watch how people’s behavior changes towards you for the better. Trust us.
Confidence Baby
When you put yourself first by caring for yourself it reflects confidence, which in turn improves our lives. Confidence means you are comfortable with yourself and value who you are as a person. This newfound confidence will also add to the relationships you have with other people and really does make a huge difference.
Reduced Stress
Did you know that when one regularly practices self-care techniques such as spa days, long bubble baths, meditation, walks or simply reading a book, they reduce stress levels? Once these stress levels have been reduced, you are left feeling more calm and in control. So instead of caring about everyone else 7 days a week, put aside 1 day for you.
Balanced Lifestyle
If you are the type of people who loves caring for others and rarely cares for themselves you may notice that your life doesn’t feel very balanced? This is because it isn’t. You are putting all of your time, energy, effort and love into other people that there is none left for yourself. This can lead to feelings of exhaustion, fatigue, lowered self-esteem and eventually… aggravation. We aren’t saying ignore everyone on the planet and live a ‘me and only me lifestyle’ but you are important too, don’t forget that.
Improved Resistance to Disease
Studies show that majority of self-care activities activate your parasympathetic nervous system (PNS). This means that your body goes into a restful, joyful and rejuvenating mode, assisting it to improve its immune system. So go slap on a facemask, listen to some music and don’t feel bad about it!
Enhanced Self-Esteem
When you regularly take out the time to care for yourself you send a positive message to your subconscious. More specifically, you are treating yourself with love and compassion, which can go a long way in discouraging negative self-talk and your critical inner voice.
Increased Self-Knowledge
Once you spend the time caring for yourself you start to think about what you really love to do and what is important to you in life. The exercise of figuring out what makes you feel passionate and inspired can assist you to understand yourself a whole lot better. You never know, you might spark a change in career or develop new hobbies.
Healthy Relationships
When you take the time to care for yourself, you don’t only develop a healthy relationship with yourself… you improve the relationships with those around you. It’s important to recognize that you cannot give to others what you don’t have yourself. So when you pay attention to your well-being, you’re reinvigorating yourself to be the best version of yourself, which positively impacts those around you.
Let’s Minimise Burnout
Burnout refers to another form of stress, which results in emotional and physical exhaustion, lack of enjoyment, negativity and at some times… the feeling of hopelessness. Burnout occurs when you work yourself too hard or during situations you feel you can’t control. When you care for yourself, you take a break from these activities that can result in burnout.
Because You Want To
I think one important reason to highlight here is that if you want to take 1 day out of the week to care for yourself, then fu***** do it! Why not? You do you boo.
One Comment
Love this. I just started taking fu** it days. I remove myself from anything and anyone that needs my attention and spend time doing things I love. Lately it’s been just reading a book on my day bed and watching the river with all the bird life. Just pausing. I just need to diarise this which I will do now. As I know it’s easy to slip back into using my me time for others. Thanks for the article it was a nice reminder.