As we all know losing weight can be an incredibly hard journey to start and stay on. However, we have found that consciously making cut calories healthier alternatives to your usual household favorites is a great way to start. You can give into your cravings but instead, swap them don’t stop them. This way, you can still enjoy delicious treats while gradually cutting calories and making progress toward your health goals.
Now, this might be the part where you are a little confused and that is ok. You’re probably thinking what the h*** is this woman talking about? Well let me give you some examples on how you can take your love of one food and swap it for a love of a healthier food.
Potato Chips
Aah the potato chip, salty, crunchy and definitely moreish. Instead of diving into a bag of Smith’s chips, try eating some homemade vegetable chips. You have options of kale, zucchini and broccoli… the list goes on. Simply rub in some coconut oil, add your favorite seasonings and bake. You waistline will thank you in the long run!
Toss out the Dominos vouchers that were left in your letterbox and make some homemade pizzas instead! Not only is this a great family activity but doing so will also do wonders for your waistline and overall health. Instead of having the usual pizza base, swap it for zucchini, eggplant, mushroom or even cauliflower crust!
Then when it comes to the toppings, opt for a lighter cheese and some more vegetables. Trust us, these options are actually delicious and incredibly filling (you know Thinco always has your back).
Pasta is definitely a household favorite but unfortunately this isn’t the healthiest option have on a regular basis. Therefore to cut down the calories replace your pasta with spaghetti squash or invest in a spiralizer so that you can whip up some zucchini, sweet potato or carrot pasta! All taste absolutely delicious in a Bolognese sauce!
Mashed Potatoes
I bet when you saw mashed potatoes on this list you almost fell of your chair, as in, who does this woman think she is? Why would we ever swap mashed potatoes! Don’t worry; I too am a potato lover however when I tried the healthier version of mashed cauliflower I was truly blown away at the similarity and genuine tastiness of the dish!
Who needs that buttery side dish now that you can have mashed cauliflower, which tastes lighter and more flavorful than its mashed potato relative! Simply throw blanched cauliflower, soymilk, salt and pepper in a blender and BOOM you’re in mash heaven!
So there you have it, four incredibly easy swaps to calorie cutting to get you started but trust us, we’re here to support you every step of the way! There’s an abundance of options available when it comes to calories to cut, from tasty recipes to smart food choices. Just because we love you we have some additional ideas to keep you going, simply click here to find out more.