With the current issues in today’s society, working from home has become the new norm, however a lot of people who are tackling this for the first time are probably finding it extremely difficult. Working from home can be extremely difficult due to finding motivation and practicing self-discipline. I for one have always worked from home and it took a little bit of time to find the right balance. Working in your pajamas sounds like an amazing day… until you’ve forgotten to shower, you smell pretty funky and you think you’ve developed dreadlocks at the back of your head. This article is going to give you the wisdom on staying motivated when working from home… something I wish I could’ve read when I began, you can thank me later ladies.
Make a Home Office
You might think that sitting in bed or on the couch with your computer working is a dream but it is actually incredibly distracting and more than likely doesn’t produce your greatest work. Make a space in your house that is now your home office that is free from distractions. It should only include a desk, a chair, stationary, a lamp and a power board for your chargers. By doing so you will have stronger concentration and a happier boss.
Wake Up Early
When you are working from home and have no set schedule it is incredibly easy to sleep in and start when you are good and ready. However if you want to stay motivated, do yourself a favor and set a specific time to wake up every day. It’s important to respond to your day as if nothing has changed. Wake up at 8am, have a shower, get dressed and then go to your home office.
Try the Pomodoro Technique
As mentioned above distraction comes easily when working from home and you need to focus. Therefore we recommend trying the Pomodoro technique, which is a simple process for time management that boosts productivity. First you choose a task you want to get done, set a timer for 25 minutes, work on that until the alarm goes off, tick something off your list and then take a short break. For every four pomodoros, take a longer break. Here is a free timer to get you started.
Set a Cut-Off Time
Just as it might be easy to oversleep and start work late, it’s just as easy to fall into the trap of overworking from home. Set a time when work must stop because tomorrow is another day after all.
Earn Rewards
One of the many perks from working at home is that you can do whatever you want, whenever you want however you don’t want this to limit productivity and self-discipline. Therefore set rewards to earn from doing your work. For example for every two hours of solid work, you get to watch one episode of your favorite show and the cycle can continue.