If you’ve ever struggled with stubborn excess fat around your waistline, you’re not alone. The infamous “muffin top,” or the bulge of fat that spills over the waistband of tight-fitting pants, is a common problem for many people trying to achieve a toned and trim midsection. But fear not! With the right muffin top exercises and a commitment to a healthy lifestyle, you can target and conquer that pesky muffin top. In this blog post, we’ll first delve into what exactly a muffin top is, and then we’ll present you with the best exercise for muffin top to help you sculpt your way to a slimmer waistline.
What is Muffin Top?
The term “muffin top” refers to the bulge of fat that spills over the waistband of tight-fitting pants, much like the top of a muffin spills over its paper casing. This stubborn fat tends to accumulate around the abdominal area and is notorious for being challenging to get rid of. Factors like genetics, poor diet, lack of exercise, and hormonal changes can contribute to the development of a muffin top.
6 Best Exercise for Muffin Top
We scoped the Internet to find the best exercise to help you lose that muffin top and never find it again! All you need to so 1 set of exercises back to back for four days a week. Rest for 30 to 60 seconds and then repeat the circuit up to two more times and then watch the weight melt away.
Dead Bug
- Lie face up with arms fully extended along sides. Bring legs to tabletop position, knees bent and lower legs parallel to the floor.
- Brace core and reach left arm up and behind head while right leg straightens but doesn’t touch the floor. Return to starting position and repeat on the other side to complete 1 rep.
Double Criss-Cross
- Lie face up with knees bent into chest, hands behind head. Bend left knee into chest as right leg extends out almost parallel to the floor and right shoulder turns into knee (keep elbows open wide and avoid pulling on head), pulsing shoulder and knee closer together twice. Return to starting position and continue, alternating feet and arms each rep.
Pretzel Knee Crunch
- Sit in a pretzel position with right leg bent in front of body, left leg behind, and both knees at about a 90-degree angle. Keeping spine naturally straight, hinge slightly forward from hips, leaning torso forward at about a 45-degree angle to the floor. Bring hands together in front of chest. (Place hands on the floor for more support to make the move easier.) Lift left leg a few inches off the floor.
- Without moving the rest of the body, bring left leg toward right, trying to tap left thigh to left elbow. Return leg behind body without lowering it to the ground.
20 per side
Elbow Plank Hip Rainbow
- Begin in a forearm plank position with feet hip-width apart and abs braced in tight. Lift hips slightly above shoulders.
- Rotate right hip toward the floor, pivoting onto sides of feet. Pull abs in deeper to spine and lift hips back up to starting position. Repeat to the left (imagine tracing a rainbow shape with tailbone). Continue, alternating sides each rep.
- Lie facedown with arms and legs extended into an ‘X’ shape. Extend spine and lift chest, arms, and thighs off the floor, hovering above the mat (keep eyes focused down to avoid neck strain). Reach right arm up toward ear as left leg lifts slightly higher behind hip.
- Immediately switch sides to complete 1 rep. Try to keep torso as steady and still as possible during the movement. Continue, alternating arms and legs.
Side Plank Plie
- Begin in a stacked right side plank position with right arm extended under shoulder, left leg crossed over right, left arm extended by ear, left palm facing down, and abs engaged.
- Bend both knees into a plié, shifting weight back toward feet (lower left foot all the way to the floor for more support) and lowering left arm by left thigh, palm facing up. Extend legs and return to starting position.
10 per side
These muffin top workouts were adapted from Shape.com so if you would like to learn about more effective exercises check out their website and get sweating!!
If you are looking to infuse more fun into your exercise routine, check out our companion piece on ‘7 Ways To Make Exercise More Enjoyable.’ Discover practical tips and creative strategies to make your workouts not only productive but also enjoyable and rewarding. Combine the power of targeted exercises with the joy of an engaging workout for a holistic approach to fitness.