When it comes to losing weight we’ve always been told that you need to both diet and exercise, right? But what if you hate exercise? Well we have some good news for you…it no longer takes two to tango!
A new study published in the journal Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism contributes to the developing body research that shows that while both exercising and dieting improves your overall health and well-being, you don’t need both to have an effect on weight loss.
Lara R. Dugas, Ph.D., an assistant professor at the Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine and author of a secondary study also states “physical activity won’t protect you from the impact that a high-fat, high-sugar diet has on weight”.
Now the question of should you exercise is a completely different question all together and we are not saying that absolutely minimal exercise is healthy, because it isn’t. But if you want to drop some weight for that big event you have coming up, you don’t have to exercise. Have you ever heard the expression “abs are made in the kitchen”? Well lucky for all of us this statement is true; see Doctors Health Press for more information.
Now you’re probably wondering well if I don’t have to exercise how do I lose this weight? Don’t worry; we’ve got you covered with the following tips and tricks that you should start implementing into your daily routine.
Dim the lights and lower the noise
In a study by Cornell researcher Brain Wansink, Ph.D., individuals who ate at fast food restaurants where the lighting was softer and the music was lower ate, on average, 175 fewer calories than those who ate in the same place with bright lights and blaring music.
Wansink says two things happen when you dim the lights; you eat slower and your food cools down. This is helpful because as we all know, when you rush your meal you are more likely to consume more calories. And hot food is much more appealing than cold food, have you ever heard someone say “Mm cold soggy French fries!”… No.
Reduce the size of your plate
Finishing off your plate seems to be the norm, maybe it’s because when we were younger we couldn’t leave the table until our plates were empty? We tend to use bigger plates, fill them up and 90% of the time we lick that plate clean. Now if we were to put the same amount of food on a smaller plate, we would feel like we went a little too crazy at the buffet!
Dr. Wansink says you can cut about 23 percent off the amount you serve yourself (and eat) if you stick to a plate that is nine or ten inches wide. “It’s a mindlessly easy way to cut things down”, he states. If you use a smaller serving spoon, you can serve yourself about 14% less at each meal. “Over a number of months, that can add up to a lot less food and weight loss.”
Announce your snacks
This may not work for everyone, but it’s been very effective for some. “You can eat anything you want or snack as often as you want as long as you announce – out loud – ‘I’m not hungry, but I’m going to eat this anyway’. The typical person who does this every day for a month loses just under a kilogram. Your probably thinking, how the heck does that work? Well, Dr. Wansink states “It breaks mindlessly negative eating behavior” you’re not saying, “I can’t have this,” but you’re saying ‘I really have to fess up to what I’m doing’.”
Weigh yourself
This tip can be extremely daunting for some people and we understand why, society has made the numbers on a scale a defining factor in whom you are. We are here to tell you that that is a load of c*ap. Your weight does not define you. This tip is personally beneficial as some people can be in a state of denial when it comes to weight loss and kick starting that journey.
Sometimes we need a little nudge to get us on track and although that number on the scale doesn’t define you, there are still some ranges we want to stay in-between for our bodies to be able to operate at an optimum level and for our health and well being to be as high as possible. Getting on the scale can stop the denial. “It may not help you lose weight, but may really stop you from gaining weight” Rubaum Keller states.
Rubaum Keller also suggests stepping on the scale in the morning after you’ve gone to the bathroom. Weigh yourself naked or in loose, light clothing and do this for seven days, recording your weight each day. Then, total the number and divide by seven. That will be your average (and most true) weight over the seven-day period. Based on that weight, you can then begin a weight loss plan or decide that you are happy where you are.
Keep a food journal
Writing down everything you eat every day keeps you honest with yourself and makes you acknowledge how much you are really eating. Rubaum Keller says, “It’s one of the most important things you can do, yet it’s one of the things that people really resist. They think it’s so hard, but it really only takes a few minutes”
Sometimes carrying around a book isn’t ideal but there are online ways of doing this, Keller recommends Loseit.com otherwise My Fitness Pal is another great option.
Eat a good breakfast
Now although eggs benedict go down a treat, this isn’t what we mean. Eat a heavy-on-protein breakfast everyday, says Dr. Wansink, and you’ll curb your hunger long into the day. Some breakfast ideas include an egg white omelet, a protein rich smoothie or even some high protein bread with some peanut butter.
Rubaum Keller also recommends having small snacks between meals; don’t let more than three hours pass between eating. Again, this needs to be healthy snacks such as almonds, cucumber with cottage cheese, banana with peanut butter, fruit, boiled eggs etc.Now that you have the tips and tricks to lose weight without exercise, we recommend pairing this with our Green Coffee Bean Supreme for additional support. Our Green Coffee Bean Supreme contains the recommended therapeutic dose of 45% Chlorogenic Acid required to be effective in weight control even when exercise is not undertaken. This product promotes weight control by conversion of fat into energy and by aiding the reduction of body fat and mass.