First it was Adele, now it is Rebel… amazing women are smashing their goals; left, right and center. But let me guess what has been on everyone’s minds… how in the hell did she do 20kg Weight Loss? Was it the Sirtfood diet like Adele? Was it purely exercise? Did she cut out a specific food group? As always, Thinco has the answers!
Rebel has explained to interviewers that each year of her life is a theme, she has had the Year of Fun, Year of Love and now it is the Year of Health. Rebel has tried a variety of weight loss products and diets in the past, however this time she wanted to take a holistic approach, whilst also focusing on her mental health.
Rebel has a serious sweet tooth so her first plan of attack was to cut down on sugar and junk food, which made an incredible difference within a short amount of time. However, Rebel still makes room for balance and has her cheat meal once or twice a week. Other ways of treating herself have been substituted with bubble baths and various self-care practices.
Rebel has also been putting in that hard work and exercises 6 to 7 days per week! You can catch up with her most recent exercise routines by following her Instagram account where she seems to document most of her activities.
As for her diet, Rebel is using the Mayr Method, a restrictive program that achieves 20kg weight loss by improving gut health. The Mayr Method was created 100 years ago and is based on the belief that people are poisoning their digestive systems with the foods they consume and how they eat them.
There are four pillars of treatment involved with this diet, and they include exercise, nutrition, medicine and awareness. Once specialists have treated your condition, proper nutrition combined with exercise and improved mental awareness become the building blocks of your new life. The diet also promises a bikini body, flatter stomach, glowing skin and a springy step.
So, how does the Mayr method work? The diet is centered on stopping snacking, reducing intake of gluten and dairy, and chewing foods for a longer amount of time. The eating plan also focuses on high-alkaline whole foods. The Mayr method kicks off with a sugar and caffeine detox and advises very specific eating practices, such as chewing each bite of food 40-60 times. You are also supposed to focus on mindfulness while you eat, which means no reading, talking or playing with your phone.
So there you have it, Rebel Wilson’s 20kg weight loss explained! Would you give it a go?