The 5-Minute Meditation to Increase Productivity and Reduce Stress

The 5-Minute meditation to increase productivity and reduce stress

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Headspace and many other organisations have introduced the five-minute meditation, which may feel like a small amount of time, but the truth it, it is enough to set the tone for your day. We live in a world where constant busyness and distractions are the norm. You can counter act that by taking a 5-minute guided meditation, which provides an opportunity to reduce stress, increase focus and productivity, and improve mindfulness – enabling us to be more fully present throughout the rest of our activities. 

Why 5-minute meditation?

It is vital to take 5-minutes as a short break for yourself during the day to pause and just go of everything. Let’s try this meditation to reconnect with awareness and to feel present. When we do this, we are able to calm the mind and carry the calmness and mindfulness into whatever we are doing. 

The free 5-minute meditation from Headspace

The benefits of the 5-minute guided meditation are endless and luckily it is easy to add into your daily routine. Choosing to spend five minutes with your thought processes and breath can be as beneficial as choosing to go for a 5-minute walk, jog or sprint. In fact, meditation has been called a push-up for the brain because of its ability to improve cognitive control and strengthen the brain’s fibre connections. 

Incorporating a 5-minute mindfulness meditation practice into your morning routine, lunch break, free time at the office or pre-bedtime-wind-down-session can become a strong practice in and of itself, as well as a precursor to doing longer meditations such as 10 minutes or even 20 minutes. 

5-minutes spent practicing a guided meditation, unguided meditation or visualisation imagery is proven to improve focus, productivity, self-compassion, mood, immune function and quality of sleep and relieve stress. 

For those who are just starting their meditation journey, five minutes is a perfect amount of time to become comfortable in quietude and learn more about yourself. You might even find that after incorporating five-minutes per day, you’d want to slowly increase your practice as the weeks, months and years go by. However, you will always know that when time constraints arise, five-minutes is all you really need. 

The Best 5-Minute Meditations

If you the above free 5-minute meditation from Headspace is not for you, here are a variety of options that you can try. 

For more mindfulness tips, visit our blog here.

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